*this post does contain a couple affiliate links. see disclosure for more info*
It's Tuesday Talk, and today I have nothing to talk about, ha! I decided to do a day in the life post instead, and document this past Sunday. I absolutely love day-in-the-life posts (and I know you guys do too!) I want to try documenting at least one every season!
Here was our day!
I meant to wake up earlier, so I could get more done around the apartment while Ella was sleeping, as well as my usual 'me time'... But I slept in until 6. This just meant I had to get my chores done FAST so I could relax as long as possible. Ella wakes up anytime between 6:30-7.
Brewing up some coffee... We love our Ninja coffee pot. And this was first time using my new Rae Dunn mug from my gift exchange at work on Saturday.
While coffee brewed, I put away dried dishes, washed a few dirty dishes, took out the recycling, took out the trash and put away all of Ella's toys. Normally we do all of our chores at night before bed, but on the weekends, we sort of do whatever.
Coffee & Christmas pillows. Two of my joys in life.
I turned on some Christmas lights.
And worked on my weekend recap post! I spent some time to myself, enjoying my coffee & browsing the internet... Instagram, Facebook, email etc.
I realized that we never picked up milk for Ella and walked to the store... in my pajamas! Luckily, I didn't run into a soul except the store clerk.
By the time I got back, around 7, Ella was awake!
She was in a great mood, can't you tell?
Michael changed her diaper and snuggled with her for a bit while I got her breakfast ready.
Fruit salad and pancakes with milk in her cup. She had a little bit of yogurt too, and I just stole bites of her food.
After breakfast, we got ready for the day. I had to pick up groceries at Ralphs between 8-9. We left right at 8.
It was a frigid 52 degrees. Too cold for this California girl!
Grocery pick-up is one of the great inventions ever!
We came home, put groceries away and said goodbye to Michael who was off to the gym. I took some coffee to-go and took Ella for a walk around Seal.
Water for my boogie. My sister got us this collapsable silicone water bottle which I think is really neat. Ella is a big fan as well.
Coffee for me! I had to test out my new Apple Watch that I got for Christmas from Michael's Mom. I have absolutely no idea how to use it yet! Tips appreciated.
The weather was amazingly gorgeous for our walk.
We played at the park for over an hour. There were a bunch of kids there, and Ella was having so much fun sharing her toys and climbing on the equipment with them.
We made it back home around 10 am and Michael was still at the gym playing basketball.
Ella was feeling extra lovey and giving lots of kisses... which I had to document. Obviously!
Sweet girl!
While Ella played independently, I threw together Ella's lunch. Steamed broccoli, Hawaiian roll and chicken soup. Easy and Ella loved it!
She ate almost everything!
Michael got home while she was eating and cleaned himself up a bit. We were originally going to put Ella down for a nap at 12, but decided to take his Mom out to lunch instead. Ella is more flexible these days and not sticking to her exact nap routine doesn't destroy the entire sleep schedule like it used to.
Ella fell asleep in the car for about 20 minutes while we drove to the restaurant.
She was very happy to see Grandma and sat with her the entire time.
One of my favorite Chinese restaurants, Tasty Noodle House! I would tell you what we ate, but I actually don't know what any of it is called... ha!
On our way home from lunch, I swung by a restaurant I was at the previous night for my work Christmas party. I accidentally left my prize under my chair and the restaurant held it for me!
I got home, changed Ella and put her down for a nap by 1:30. Michael did some dishes and other clean up around the apartment.
I threw in a load of laundry and did some clean up in our bedroom, hanging up my clothes that have been sitting clean in a laundry basket at the foot of our bed all week. Yikes!
I did some wrapping. These are gifts that will be mailed off to my family in Maine, eventually. Ha.
I made myself a cup of tea, enjoyed a little treat and worked on my laptop for a bit.
Ella took a good long snooze. So I folded and put away my laundry. Michael always does his own.
I cleaned out our baskets on our book shelf and separated important information to be filed in our filing cabinet.
A Christmas gift came for Ella in the mail from my sister...
I started cooking for Ella's dinner (it's so much easier to cook while she is sleeping) and she finally woke up around 3:30ish.
Michael played with Ella and gave her a snack while I worked on a mandatory sexual harassment training course for my office. I was having some computer issue and only made it about half way through.
I fed Ella her dinner, and started cooking ours.
We were having a ground pork sauce over spaghetti with zucchini ribbons, salad and dinner rolls.
Ella finished her small plate, but of course, had to steal a few bites of my food too!
I thought our noodles would be too spicy for her, but I was wrong. She loved it.
After dinner, I was craving something sweet...
We cleaned up from dinner, and decided to make a family trip to the grocery store for some gelato.
I gave Ella a bath and ended up just taking one with her. It's so much easier to bathe her when I am physically in the bath, because I end up getting soaked either way.
All clean!
Jammies, lotion and lots of reading books!
Ella loves reading books!
We played in her room and read books with her until about 7. We try to spend her last 30-60 minutes of the day winding down and doing quieter activities in her room, which is a darker and calming space.
After brushing teeth, Ella was in bed and asleep by 7:15.
Michael and I finished any Sunday clean up that we usually do- dishes, sweep, pick up random toys, etc. Then we settled on the couch to eat some gelato and watch a movie together. We chose Panic Room with Jodi Foster.
Probably not the best movie to watch before falling asleep, but it's still a great movie! We went to bed early, by 9ish.
And that was our lazy Sunday! Thanks for following along with us.
Thanks to the hosts for the link up.

What a productive day!! The photos with your new phone are so sharp too! I agree, I prefer to just take a bath with the babe too lol it's easier. LOVE that personalized book Ella received :)