Valentine's Day Favorites for Little Girls

When I was a little girl, my parents always got me a small gift on Valentine's day. Usually it was a box of chocolates and a stuffed animal, but there are so many other cute gifts for little girls on Valentine's Day. Now, I'll be honest, we probably aren't going to get Ella much of anything... I am trying to have less 'stuff' around our home, and additional gifts will add to our stuff. Instead, we're going to do a special family breakfast together... with heart pancakes and fruit salad. Despite the fact that I am not buying Ella a gift, I had the itch to shop around and look. These are such sweet things that I found and are perfect for those of you who are planning on celebrating V-Day with your little one. This gift guide is perfectttt!

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1. A sweet teddy bear is like a classic V-Day gift. This one is a big guy!!! We love stuffed animals around here. Bunnies and bears are Ella's favorites.

2. This Minnie Mouse purse is just so darn cute... like so cute! When Ella's old enough to be responsible for her own little bag, this is definitely going to be in her closet. I love it so much.

3. A sweetheart head-band if your daughter will actually wear such a thing. Mine will not, sigh.

4. This is actually something I would love for myself! Who doesn't love a personalized initial necklace? And a great price!

5. A DIY Jewelry Box by Melissa & Doug is a great V-Day craft for you and your little to do together.

6. Insulated water bottles are always in style. This one is covered in hearts and you can add your little one's name! Perfect for going to school and daycare so your bottle doesn't get lost or go home with the wrong person!

7. I love this Valentine's Day mermaid... her body made of hot pink and silver hearts is super sweet. 

8. A sketchbook for the artsy little in your life. Ella loves coloring, drawing etc. So I am always looking out for things like this.

9. What a sweet little book. There are so many great V-Day books, but this one is especially cute... and your little can practice counting too!!!

That's my short but sweet little list! 
What special things does your family do on Valentine's Day? 
Do you normally buy your child a gift?

-Ashley & Ella xoxo

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1 comment

  1. I picked up a some small toy blocks from the Target dollar spot & a love book for our little Valentine! Love all your ideas too :)


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