Aquarium of the Pacific

The Aquarium of the Pacific is located in Long Beach, CA. It is located only about 20 minutes away from where we live. We recently got annual passes, so we have been going a lot. The annual pass for Michael and I was only $129, and Ella gets in for free until she is 3 years old. One adult ticket per visit is $35 each, so this is a great deal if you are local.

Here are some quick pictures from my most recent trip with Ella.

A new 'waterfall' feature. It's obviously not a real waterfall, but an image cast on the wall and floor. There will be images of water and moving fish beneath you on the floor, and Ella gets a kick out of it. I tried to get a picture of the fish, but was unsuccessful. 

Ella loves staring at the brightly colored fish. She definitely prefers the tanks with lots of action and colors.

There's an outdoor play area with equipment for kids to play on, as well as touch tanks! Ella's too small to reach in and touch, but when she is old enough I know she will be all over it. For now, we just enjoyed hanging out in the play area. Here she is sitting in the boat.

And playing with this thing... Not even sure what it's called! 

Some nice teenage girls took our picture for us! We were watching the sea otters.

Jellyfish! Ella liked these a lot. She wanted to stay and watch, but a line was forming and she kept touching the tank. She doesn't know the word "no yet."

Still touching the tanks.

Ella's favorite part of the aquarium is the penguin exhibit. There is an outdoor area for a good photo-op. 

They do sea lion shows, which are super fun and informative for the kids. Surprisingly, Ella sits for the entire show without much fuss. 

Here are some pics from one of her first aquarium visits... 

She still has and loves that stuffed octopus. I can't believe how small and sweet she was. Time really is flying by! 

Here is the link to their website if you're ever in Long Beach and want to visit... 
It's a quick, fun stop and there's a lot of other fun stuff to do in the immediate area.

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