Weekend Recap

Recapping our weekend. It wasn't an exciting one, but it was relaxing.

I unfortunately had to work on Saturday from 8-12.  Luckily, we only open the office one Saturday a month. As soon as I was done with work, I went to Michael's parents to pick up Ella.
We got home, Ella and I played for a bit and then she took a nap until around 4.

Ella woke up in the mood to PLAY. She played with everything in sight, but her favorite was her diaper caddy.

We practiced crawling. As you can see, we have to baby proof the apartment ASAP.


I steamed Ella some fish and veggies for dinner while we waited to Michael to get home. He had ortho classes all weekend. Boo!

Practiced our standing after dinner.

When Michael got home, we went for a walk and got some gelato. Ella was a big fan.
After our walk, it was bed time for Ella (and relaxation time for Michael and I.)

Ella went to bed around 7:30 and we were asleep not much longer after that.

 Sunday morning Ella had me up at 5. I fed her and luckily she fell back asleep. However, I did not. I showered, drank coffee and cleaned up the kitchen a bit. She woke up officially at 6:45. As you can see, she may have still been tired. Hmmm. Michael had more courses today, so it was just Ella and I all day.

After breakfast we made an early Target run. Ella loves Target like her Mom.

After Target, I got a tea at Starbucks and navigated to the closest park. There are tons in our area and a some that are hidden away. We found this gem in the middle of the neighborhood and it was empty. Ella decided it was a good place to practice crawling and playing. She had so much fun. We sat on the big kid swing together and she had a great time. 

Obviously exhausted from our fun morning. 
Ella took a nice long morning nap!

Ella had pasta with ground turkey sauce, string cheese, peas and kiwi for lunch. She ate most of the pasta, cheese, and peas. She wanted more, so she ended up eating some ground chicken as well.

Ella helped me get quarters for the laundry! I had worked on laundry off/on all morning/afternoon.

We got ready and went outside for a walk to the park and the beach.

Ella took an afternoon nap and I finished up the laundry. I vacuumed, swept and dusted a bit. It was a quick nap though, so I didn't get too much done. After waking up, Ella wanted some cuddling and mellow time. I put on The Grinch for her, and she had some puffs and milk while she watched. She loved it for about 10 minutes and then it was back to moving!

We ended our night at Urgent Care because Ella keeps holding her right ear. She was just on antibiotics for both ears, so I just wanted to make sure she was okay. The doctor wasn't able to tell us anything because Ella wouldn't let them look. We may have to take her to the pediatrician this week if she is still having trouble. Not a great way to end the weekend! :(

We hope you and your family had a nice weekend. Thanks for reading about ours.

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